Saturday, June 7, 2008

Euoro 20008! .Holland

I have full belief with Van-Van Basten. But leave Seadorf, lets seat toghther with Seadorf, fitt the team for the better of Netherlands in Euro 2008. I peronaly feel that if you beleieve in complete football...then go with the Dutch.

I, You all belive that Seadorf absence, might prove a blank in the midfielad, of some parts of Indians..allthough India is ranked 153 rd in the FIFA rankings..but TO ME you are THE GREAT...Searorf...Go Seadorf..even If I , foget you, I, Let you talk with Eoro 2008... 29th June 2008! is the answer!!

GO DUTCH! Let it Be 1-0... minimum I owe you...


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