Thursday, June 26, 2008

NZ Tour sex Scandal: Sophie LewisSophie Lewis sensationally reveals that the "RAMPANT RABBIT" who bedded her at the team hotel was winger David Strettle.

"He pressed all the right buttons and kissed me in all the right places," she says. "He was so energetic."

But Strettle was missing from England's latest humiliating defeat in New Zealand yesterday with a hamstring injury.
ALICE'S SEX WONDERLAND: David was fantastic says Sophie.

The 22-year-old beauty—known as Angel—also tells how players didn't have to sneak girls back from a sleazy club for sex on the night of the alleged rape.

That's because they were FERRIED there in a minibus laid on by the OFFICIAL MINDERS supposed to be keeping an eye on the team's behaviour.

Sophie, who had been at a fancy dress bash, also details the EIGHT-HOUR BOOZE SESSION of a team who have now been hammered twice by the All Blacks on their New Zealand tour of shame.

And she says Harlequins ace Strettle, 24, even BRAGGED to her after their marathon sex session that another FIVE of his team-mates had been scoring that night too.

Sophie, 22, said: "My England man put rampant rabbits to shame—even though he'd been drinking all night," said 22-year-old Sophie.

"We did it all night long before he got up at eight to go for physio. He was probably still drunk then.
NZ Tour sex Scandal: David Strettle
"His body was pretty much a perfect 10. He was such an accomplished lover and we did it in every position imaginable. But maybe he shouldn't have been behaving like this on an international rugby tour.

"And although it was just about the best sex I've ever had—it's not something that will go down well with the fans."

Content and Image Courtsey:


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