Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bruno Souza

Flamengo Goalkeeper Bruno Souza

Eliza Samudio
Eliza Samudio

Cristiano Ronaldo and Eliza Samudio
Eliza Samudio also said to had an affair with Cristiano Ronaldo

25-year-old Brazilian Bruno Souza, a star goalkeeper and captain of Brazil's championship-winning club Flamengo is now under arrest for plotting the murder of his former mistress, a porn actress also rumoured to have had a brief affair with Cristiano Ronaldo- Eliza Samudio.

Bruno Souza met Eliza Samudio at a teammate's party last year and got her pregnant the first night they spent together, police said. But he became enraged when she insisted on keeping the baby.

After the baby was born (now four months old) and Eliza tried to prove Bruno was the father of the child, Bruno hired a former police detective, Luiz Aparecido Santos, to kidnap, beat and murder her, investigators said. One of Souza's cousins, who allegedly took part in the abduction, said in a deposition that Santos committed ''barbaric tortures'' of Samudio while loud music blared to cover her screams, the newspaper Estado de Sao Paulo said. When Samudio begged Santos to stop, saying she couldn't bear it any more, he allegedly replied, "You are not going to bear it any more. You are going to die."

Police said Santos strangled Samudio, cut up her body and fed some of the parts to Rottweiler dogs at the home. The other parts were buried in concrete, they said.

Police have said Samudio is the mother of a 4-month-old boy from a relationship with Souza. The boy is being cared for by Samudio's parents.


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