Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Peace and Sport organization’s “Champions for Peace” elite group of athletes has just gained the support of Alexandra Kosteniuk the women’s world chess superstar. Chess idol, Kosteniuk, joins the ranks of the 39 ambassadors supporting the Champions for Peace representing 24 nationalities, 25 Olympic and non-Olympic sports disciplines, 49 World Champions, 20 Olympic Champions and more than a hundred national and regional titles.

Joel Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport, himself a World Champion and Olympic Medallist, added: "We are deeply honoured that the Chess Queen has joined the Champions for Peace family. Alexandra has proved to the world that "Chess is Cool". It’s a real pleasure to be able to count on her enthusiasm, determination and intelligence to inform new audiences and convince policy-makers that sport can and must contribute to sustainable peace. "

Champions of Peace

Other Champions of Peace include such sporting legends as Sergey Bubka (Olympic Champion and six-times World Champion, Pole Vault, Ukraine); Frankie Fredericks (double World Champion, 100 and 200 metres , Namibia); Cathy Freeman (Olympic Champion and double World Champion, 400m, Australia); Yelena Isinbayeva (double Olympic Champion and double World Champion, Pole Vault, Russia), Christian Karembeu (World Champion, Football, France) Bradley Mcgee ( Double Olympic Champion, World Champion, cycling, Australia), Paula Radcliffe (World Champion, Marathon, United Kingdom) as well as many more.

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