Thursday, June 30, 2011

BRAX, Lot-et-Garonne (Reuters) - Le président Nicolas Sarkozy a été brutalement agrippé par un homme jeudi matin alors qu'il saluait des habitants lors d'une visite à Brax, dans le Lot-et-Garonne.

Le chef de l'Etat était en train de serrer les mains de personnes rassemblées derrière une barrière de sécurité lorsqu'un homme, qui faisait mine de tendre la main, l'a brusquement saisi par la veste à l'épaule et l'a attiré vers lui en le déséquilibrant.

L'homme a aussitôt été plaqué à terre par des membres de la sécurité, tandis que Nicolas Sarkozy reprenait contenance et poursuivait son bain de foule. Louet avec Claude Canellas, édité par Yves Clarisse

The oilfield services company sees growth potential in Poland, where a shale gas basin has drawn the attention of major oil companies, a Halliburton (NYSE:HAL - News) executive told Reuters. Drilling activity there is seen picking up next year, and the company is scheduled to start drilling a well for Chevron (NYSE:CVX - News) in Q3. In May, the Polish gov't said it was committed to shale gas, despite environmental concerns related to hydraulic fracturing. Shares climbed 2.3% to 49.82.

Dira Paes

Dira Paes

Dira Paes

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Kate Luyben

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

LONDON (Reuters) - Lloyds will cut 15,000 jobs and halve its international presence, a plan its new boss hopes will save 1.5 billion pounds ($2.4 billion) a year by 2014 and return the part-nationalized British bank back to health.

Chief Executive Antonio Horta-Osorio presented his overhaul of the bank on Thursday after about 100 days in charge and said he aimed to cut through middle management and make the bank simpler and more agile.

The latest cuts will add to 27,000 job losses already since the 2008 financial crisis. Lloyds currently employs some 103,000 staff.

The cost of the program will be 2.3 billion pounds, but the savings garnered will allow the bank to invest an extra 2 billion pounds in its core retail banking activities.

Horta-Osorio will cut Lloyds' international presence to fewer than 15 countries by 2014 from 30 now in order to focus more on its core UK retail banking business - where it is market leader and has historically been far more significant than its overseas reach.

Lloyds' overseas presence currently includes operations in Europe, such as Holland, Germany and Spain, both north and south America and Asia. Horta-Osorio, whom Lloyds poached from rival Santander UK, declined to say which countries Lloyds would leave.

The Unite trade union group attacked the job cut plans, but Horta-Osorio said the move was a necessary one.

"We must return to profitability as quickly as possible. I believe we must become leaner, more agile and more responsive to our customers' needs," he told reporters on a conference call.

Lloyds shares rose sharply as analysts and investors welcomed Horta-Osorio's plans. By 0855 GMT the stock was up 9.5 percent at 48.9 pence, the best-performing stock on Britain's benchmark FTSE 100 index.

"This looks like third time lucky for UK banks' strategy days -- Lloyds has delivered solid targets with some key milestones," said Mike Trippitt, analyst at Oriel Securities.

Trippitt said Lloyds' strategy review compared favorably to other recent strategy days held by rivals HSBC and Barclays, whose targets ended up underwhelming investors.


Lloyds was one of the world's most profitable banks and a darling of the sector in the 1990s for its dynamic takeover policy, cost efficiency and massive returns, but its growth and strategy stalled after it was blocked by regulators from buying former building society Abbey National in 2001.

Known as the "Black Horse" after its logo, it was saddled with billions of pounds of losses after it bought troubled rival HBOS at the height of the credit crisis of 2008, a deal brokered by the Labor government of the time.

Its losses led to it being bailed out and part-nationalized by the government, along with Royal Bank of Scotland, and Britain finished up with a stake of 41 percent in Lloyds and 83 percent in RBS.

As payback for being bailed out by taxpayers, European regulators have ordered Lloyds to sell 630 branches, although a British banking commission has said it might to have sell far more to increase competition.

Lloyds said it was on track to find a buyer for those assets by the end of the year.

Virgin Money, new bank venture NBNK and National Australia Bank UK are likely bidders for those branches, while there has been speculation that the assets may also draw interest from European or Asian banks.

The HBOS deal gave Lloyds the Halifax retail banking business, and CEO Horta-Osorio said Lloyds planned to grow that brand as part of a plan to "revitalize" Lloyds.

Bancassurance, which includes Lloyds' Scottish Widows insurance unit, will also remain a core part of the group and Lloyds said it planned to restart progressive dividend payments once it is allowed to do so. The earliest stage at which it can restart dividends is 2012.

Lloyds shares remain below the 63.1 pence level at which the British taxpayer acquired its stake in the bank.

SVM Asset Management head Colin McLean said Lloyds and other banks remained vulnerable to their exposure to debt-ridden European countries such as Ireland, and to the costs of increasing regulation, and were therefore stocks to avoid for now.

"There's still not enough clarity on the banking sector and their capital and funding positions," he said.

($1=0.626 British Pounds)

source:Additional reporting by Tommy Wilkes; Editing by Sophie Walker/

Emma Watson

Emma Watson has revealed that she had a low-key experience of doing her own make-up and choosing her own clothes when she posed for a series of paintings.

The 'Harry Potter' actress worked with artist Mark Demsteader on the new exhibition, which will benefit the African charity CAMFED, and she admitted being on such a low-key set, which didn't have a team of stylists and make-up professionals, was a strange experience.

As it takes Mark several months to create the pieces, he finds it easier to work from photographs so I met him and a photographer for a day's photo shoot in north London back in January, Contactmusic quoted Watson as telling UK Vogue.

It was a really simple shoot with just a single light to cast shadows. We took lots of pictures in a variety of poses and Mark went away and selected 30 or so to turn into paintings.

Whilst I didn't sit for Mark as such, it was a completely different photo shoot to anything I've ever done before. It was really low-key - I did my own makeup and just brought a selection of very simple dresses for the silhouette. Mark did the lighting, she revealed.

RHONY's Kelly Bensimon volunteered with kids at a local school in conjunction with the Four Seasons resort at Peninsula Papagayo in Costa Rica last June 26.

Alicia Keys

Cute lil' cub!

First-time mom Alicia Silverstone shares the first-ever photos of son Bear Blu Jarecki exclusively in the new Us Weekly, out yesterday.

The 34-year-old Vamps actress and rocker husband Christopher Jarecki welcomed their boy in L.A. on May 5. Bear Blu (whose quirky name was suggested by Silverstone's mother-in-law) weighed in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and "had crazy amounts of hair when he came out," Silverstone tells Us. "He's really calm."

And the Clueless star and Kind Diet author admits she went into full-on nesting mode after Bear Blu made his grand entrance. "I didn't leave the house at all for six weeks after his birth," Silverstone tells Us. "I wanted to soak in every moment of his scrumptiousness."

And hubby of six years Jarecki loves being a dad, too. "We all take baths together sometimes," she notes.

Tea Leoni and David Duchovny's publicists say the Hollywood stars have separated after 14 years of marriage. reported the news Wednesday, but did not offer details regarding why or when Duchovny and Leoni called it quits.

The parents of a 9-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter previously split up for several months in 2008 while Duchovny underwent treatment for sex addiction. The couple later reconciled.

Duchovny is best known for his work on TV's "The X Files" and "Californication."

Leoni has appeared in the films "Fun with Dick and Jane," "Family Man," "Jurassic Park III" and "Spanglish."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Melora Hardin

Melora Hardin

Happy Birthday. God bless.

Screen siren Elaine Stewart has died at the age of 81.

The 1950s pin-up-turned-tv show hostess passed away at her home in Beverly Hills on Monday following a long battle with ill health.

Originally a model, Stewart went on to star opposite Gene Kelly in Brigadoon in 1954, as well as enjoying a role as a sexy princess in The Adventures of Hajji Baba.

She appeared in 18 films in total during the 1950s, before marrying game show creator Merrill Heatter and retiring. She returned to the spotlight in the 1970s when she became a hostess on U.S. programme Gambit, before swapping for a turn on late night game show High Rollers.

She is survived by Heatter and their two children, Stewart and Gabrielle.


1. Kung Fu Panda 2------------------------------$3,835,011------$13,140,349
2. L'élève Ducobu-------------------------------$2,499,207------$2,514,968
3.Omar m'a tuer (Omar Killed Me)-----------------$1,602,141
4.Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides----$1,319,749-----$46,009,966
5.X-Men: First Class-----------------------------$1,245,063-----$17,148,964
7. Blitz------------------------------------------$970,659

10. Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (A Seperation)--------$686,085------$3,301,436

SANTE - Mais ils consomment moins de cigarettes au quotidien...

Les Français sont plus nombreux à fumer chaque jour, mais ils consomment moins de cigarettes quotidiennes en moyenne, selon l'enquête Baromètre santé 2010 publiée ce mercredi.

Le nombre de Français de 18 à 75 ans qui fument chaque jour a augmenté entre 2005 et 2010, passant de 28% à 30%, selon les chiffres de l'Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé (Inpes) et de l'Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT).

Un tiers des hommes et un peu plus du quart des femmes fument chaque jour. Mais cette consommation diminue nettement avec l'âge. Ainsi, les 55-64 ans comptent 21% de fumeurs et 15% de fumeuses quotidiens. La proportion descend en dessous de 10% chez les 65-75 ans. Sur l'ensemble de la population de 18 à 75 ans, la part des fumeurs quotidiens a augmenté de deux points entre 2005 et 2010, passant de 28% à 30%.

Augmentation du tabagisme plus forte chez les femmmes

L'augmentation de la fréquence du tabagisme quotidien est assez forte parmi les femmes de 18 à 75 ans (de 23% à 27%), mais n'apparaît pas significative chez les hommes, selon l'enquête de l'Inpes menée auprès de 27.653 personnes âgées de 15 à 85 ans. La hausse est surtout visible chez les femmes de 45 à 64 ans (+ 6 points) et relativemment modeste, voire inexistante dans les autres tranches d'âge.

Cette hausse du tabagisme s’explique à la fois parce que les femmes de cette génération ont été les premières à véritablement fumer, et qu’elles arrêtent de fumer moins souvent que leurs aînées. Certaines ont pu aussi recommencer à fumer.

Comme en 2005, un écart absolu relativement important (12 points) existe entre fumeurs et fumeuses au quotidien parmi les 26-34 ans. Les grossesses, puis la présence d’enfants en bas âge au foyer, sont des opportunités plus volontiers saisies par les femmes pour laisser tomber la cigarette.

Moins de cigarettes fumées par jour

Pour les quantités consommées, 69% des fumeurs quotidiens déclarent fumer au moins dix cigarettes par jour, surtout les hommes (73% contre 65% des femmes). Ces taux sont en baisse par rapport à 2005.

Le nombre moyen de cigarettes (ou équivalent) fumées quotidiennement par les fumeurs réguliers est de 13,8, chiffre également en nette baisse par rapport à 2005 (15,3 cigarettes) chez les adultes.

Le délai entre la première cigarette et le réveil est un indicateur de l’intensité de la dépendance au tabac. Parmi les fumeurs quotidiens, 15% fument dans les cinq minutes après le réveil et 27% dans les 6 à 30 minutes (contre respectivement 15% et 25% en 2005).

Le tabac moins consommé que l'alcool

Selon ce Baromètre 2010, 35% des fumeurs quotidiens présentent une dépendance moyenne et 18% une forte dépendance au tabac, contre respectivement 34% et 20% en 2005. Cette forte dépendance augmente avec l’âge jusqu’à 54 ans et diminue ensuite. Elle touche plus fréquemment les hommes (20%) que les femmes (17%).

Le tabac s’avère moins consommé que l’alcool (35,5 millions contre 44,4 millions de personnes), mais a nettement plus d'usagers quotidiens (13,4 millions contre 5 millions), selon des estimations portant sur les 11-75 ans (environ 49 millions de personnes). AFP/

LONDON, June 28 (Reuters) - Maria Sharapova swaggered into the Wimbledon semi-finals with a formidable display every bit as spectacular as the thunder claps that rattled the All England Club on Tuesday.

The Russian fifth seed, the stand-out name in an unfamiliar looking last eight, roared to a 6-1 6-1 win over shell-shocked Dominika Cibulkova under Centre Court’s roof and now only wildcard Sabine Lisicki stands between Sharapova and her first final here since she won the tournament in 2004.

Sharapova became the clear favourite for the title after Monday’s fourth-round carnage in which defending champion Serena Williams, her sister Venus, the five-times winner, and world number one Caroline Wozniacki all bowed out.

The broad-shouldered 24-year-old lived up to that billing with an unrelenting display of high-voltage tennis to demolish a player she towered above both in stature and class.

“I haven’t been at this stage in Wimbledon in a few years, so this feels great,” former world number one Sharapova, who had not lasted beyond the quarter-finals at the grasscourt slam since 2006, told reporters after her winning in an hour.

“I would have loved for it not to have taken that long, but I’m not complaining. It’s the road that you sometimes have to take. It’s not always straight. There are a lot of zigzags.”

There were few zigzags against the overwhelmed Cibulkova, just straight line speed as Sharapova thumped 23 clean winners and countless more unreturnable drives.

Even when 24th-ranked Cibulkova, who knocked out Wozniacki on Monday, earned a break point in the final game Sharapova simply cuffed a fizzing ace down the middle, a pinpoint shot that would have been appreciated by U.S. Open golf champion Rory McIlroy who watched from the Royal Box.


Sam Elliott ... Rick Carlson
Anne Archer ... Cathy
Stephen Young ... Larry
Parker Stevenson ... Chris Randall
Kathleen Quinlan ... Wendy
Sharon Clark ... Tina (as Sharon Weber)
Steve Burns ... Machine Gun
Lenka Peterson ... Mrs. Carlson
George Wallace ... Mr. Carlson
Paul Kent ... Jack Gilmore
Susan Anderson ... Sandy
Beatrice Colen ... Judy
Linda Gillen ... Dell
Jody Gilbert ... Frantic Woman on Beach
Russ Marin ... Voyeur

Director: Daniel Petrie
Writer: Ron Koslow

Rick is in his 30s, but still works full-time as a lifeguard on the beaches of Los Angeles in California. He enjoys the fun of it, but even more the silent moments. However when he meets his divorced highschool girlfriend and her 5 years old son at their 15 years class reunion, he considers switching to a more "serious" job.
Written by Tom Zoerner.
Review by bmeadow1 (United States) posted 10 January 2005

Is life-guarding a grown-up job? What does it mean to be a grownup, anyway? Who decides how people should spend their lives?

These are among the questions examined in this beautifully written character study of a man who has decisions to make.

They're not issues that will change the world, but the kind of small decisions we wrestle with every day. What is really important? Why do we do what we do? Who influences how we behave? Should we conform because that's what people want of us?

I remember once in TV Guide an ad that showed a buffed-out Sam Elliott with the caption, "He's every woman's dream--Lifeguard!" But this film has nothing to do with looks, and everything to do with character.

It's a terrific piece of work, ringing true in scene after scene.

(Lyrics & Music by Paul Williams)


Time and tide
Your rolling rhythms
Are the music of my past
Hard times move slowly
While the good times move so fast
The good times move so fast

Roll on time and tide
Your summer sunlight
Seems to melt away disguise
Reflects the woman waiting
In a young girl's eyes,
In a young girl's eyes,

And love
There is love enough for two
In every mornin'
Come let us taste it
Find the love
In a life so quickly thru
An April warning
We must not waste it

Time and tide
I've watched your perfect sunsets slip into the waves
Your light has gone,
Your beauty, mind and mem'ry saves
My sweet mem'ry saves

Time and tide
Your rolling rhythms
Are the music of my past
Hard times move slowly
While the good times move so fast
The good times move so fast

And love
There is love enough for two
In every mornin'
Come let us taste it
Find the love
In a life so quickly thru
An April warning
We must not waste it

Find the love
Find the love
Find the love

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Belated Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

**is the 1974 album from The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.

**The album is 37 yrs. old. Dig it.

Track listing
"Jambalaya (On the Bayou)" (Hank Williams) - 1:43
"Dirt Band Interview" - 3:39
"Cosmic Cowboy (Part 1)" (Michael Martin Murphy) - 3:21
"Aluminum Record Award / Jeff Hanna - 1:31
"Fish Song" (Jimmie Fadden) - 3:50
"Mr. Bojangles" (Jerry Jeff Walker) - 3:46
"Vassar Clements Interview" - 3:56
"Listen to the Mockingbird" (Arranged & Adapt. by Millie Clements) - 2:47
"The Sheik of Araby" (Harry Beasley Smith, Ted Snyder, Francis Wheeler) - 2:08
"Resign Yourself to Me" (Casey Kelly) - 2:40
"Dixie Howdown" (Jesse McReynolds, Jim McReynolds) - 2:27
"Cripple Creek" (Arr. & Adapt. by Millie Clements) - :54
"The Mountain Whippoorwill (or, How Hillbilly Jim Won the Great Fiddler's Prize" (Stephen V. Benet, Arranged & Adapt William McEuen) - 7:07
"Honky Tonkin'" (Hank Williams) - 2:00
"House at Pooh Corner" (Kenny Loggins) - 2:54
"Buy for Me the Rain" (Greg Copeland, Steve Noonan) - 2:32
"Oh Boy" (Sonny West, Bill Tilghman, Norman Petty) - 2:50
"Teardrops in my Eyes" (Tommy Sutton, Red Allen) - 2:11
Glocoat-Blues (Jimmie Fadden) - 3:11
"Stars and Stripes Forever" (Arranged & Adapt. by Jeff Hanna) - :38
"Battle of New Orleans" (Jimmie Driftwood) - 2:58
"It Came From The 50s (Blast From The Past) / Jeff Hanna" (Jeff Hanna) - 6:45
"My True Story" (Eugene Pitt, Oscar Waltzer) - 3:08
"Diggy Liggy Lo" (J. D. Miller) - 3:52

After many years of worthy, middlebrow would-be-Oscar pictures and my-daughter-is-in-peril films, it finally seems like Jodie Foster is ready to have fun again. Playing a character described as “a magnificent c**t” in Spike Lee‘s “Inside Man” seems to have loosened the Oscar-winning actress up a bit, with subsequent roles including kids’ flick “Nim’s Island,” voicing Maggie Simpson, and trading barbs in Roman Polanski‘s upcoming “Carnage.”

She’s also heading back into tentpole territory for the first time in over a decade: she’s got a part lined up alongside Matt Damon and Sharlto Copley in the sci-fi picture “Elysium,” director Neill Blomkamp‘s follow-up to the oustanding “District 9,” and now it seems like she might make an appearance in another big-budget 2013 release, as Bloody Disgusting reports that Sony, who is backing Blomkamp’s film, also want Foster to team up again with her director on the ludicrous “Flightplan,” Robert Schwentke, on the comic book adaptation “R.I.P.D.”

The film involves a murdered cop who joins the titular department of deceased detectives, teaming with an old-timer to battle strange creatures and solve his own death. Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges are already set for the leads, and according to the site, Foster is being pursued for the role of “Procter,” who they hint may be the boss of Reynolds’ and Bridges’ characters.

It seems like early days yet, and there’s no indication of whether the interest is mutual. Some have suggested that Foster might have scheduling conflicts with “Elysium” preventing her from doing it, but as the actress has already said her part in that film would only involve three weeks work, so we think that’s unlikely. If she does sign, however, it can only be a good thing for a film that we’re a little cautious of. “R.I.P.D” will hit theaters, with or without Foster, on June 28, 2013.

Ayelet Zurer

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happpy Birthday guys. God bless.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French search engine company 1PlusV said it is suing Google for 295 million euros ($417.7), alleging the company used its market dominance to block the development of alternative services.

The French company is one of four, including Microsoft, that has accused Google of abusing its dominant position by demoting rival sites in search results and giving preference to its own services. The allegation has triggered an investigation by the European Commission.

1plusV, which runs the legal website and search engine, says that Google prevented it from developing specialised "vertical" search engines and crippled its ability to generate business and advertising and the claim is for lost profits.

"Between 2007 and 2010, no less than 30 vertical search engines created by 1plusV were black-listed, some of which showed significant business potential," it said.

A lawyer for 1PlusV said Google had been served notice of the damage claim on Monday. The claim will be filed with the Paris commercial court on Tuesday or Wednesday and piles on more scrutiny of Google following the opening last week of a formal probe into its business by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

1plusV accused Google of suffocating rivals through its policy of tying its advertising service Adsense to its own search engine.

Google's Adsense allows advertisers to buy keywords which when typed in as a search query produce a commercial link alongside the search results. Thus rival search engines wanting to access vital clients and revenue were forced to adopt Google technology.

The European Commission is now investigating the complaints. The European Union executive, with the power to fine companies up to 10 percent of their global turnover for breaching EU rules has hit Microsoft with total fines of more than 1 billion euros. by Sophie Walker

Zurzeit scheint es viele Veränderungen in Jennifer Anistons Leben zu geben mt ihrem neuen Freund Justin Theroux an ihrer Seite. Eine der Veränderungen ist dabei eine Tätowierung! Ja, Jen hat sich stechen lassen! Das Tattoo ist auf ihrem rechten Fuß und liest sich "Norman" nach ihrem geliebten Hund, der im Mai gestorben ist. Es ist Jens erstes Tattoo und ein Weg, ihren Liebling in Erinnerung zu halten.

Was haltet ihr davon? Würdet ihr euch den Namen eines Hundes tätowieren lassen? (people)

Greece ground to a halt Tuesday as a 48-hour general strike began to bite while the bankruptcy-threatened government attempted to push through sweeping austerity cuts.

Apart from the metro, no public transport was operating in Athens and the streets were relatively empty, with many people deciding to stay away from work to join the fourth general strike called this year by the country's two biggest unions.

Subway employees decided not to strike so as to allow Athenians to join planned protests in the capital.

A string of rallies are planned for Tuesday, focused on Syntagma Square -- home to the Greek parliament and a magnet for tens of thousands of protesters who see the international community as imposing tough conditions for their bailouts.

At the airports, dozens of domestic flights by Greek airlines Olympic Air and Aegean were cancelled as air traffic controllers went on strike.

In the port of Pireus, near Athens, around 200 militant unionists prevented boats from leaving Tuesday morning, an AFP photographer saw.

Parliament is scheduled to vote Wednesday and Thursday a package of austerity measures aimed at slicing 28.6 billion euros from government spending by 2015, and raising what international partners hope can reach 50 billion in privatisation receipts.

The EU and IMF have demanded the cuts and sell-offs in order provide the latest tranche of funding under last year's 110-billion-euro bailout package.

Approval of the austerity measures by lawmakers would also allow work to proceed on a second bailout of a similar size.

Meanwhile the Greek press on Tuesday welcomed a French initiative to come up with a long-term rescue plan for debt-ridden Greece.

President Nicolas Sarkozy announced Monday that France was working with private lenders on a 30-year scheme to give Greece time to get on top of its debt mountain.

The economic daily Naftemporiki carried a front page photo of Sarkozy while the pro-government daily Ta Nea had a headline hailing the French "solution".

posted June 27, 2011

Well, that's one way to steal attention away from center court.

Less than a week out from their trip to the colonies, Kate Middleton and Prince William turned up to Wimbledon today, taking their seats in the Royal Box at Centre Court to watch Brit Andy Murray take on Richards Gasquet. (The royal cheering section obviously worked, as the Frenchman was sent packing.)

Now, on to the most important part: What did Kate sport for the sporting occasion?

Along with her signature flowing tresses and that sapphire ring, Kate kept it simple, donning a knee-length, scallop-detailed sleeveless white pleated, tiered dress, that's already been identified as Temperley London's Moriah style—originally $1,275, on sale (for now) for $635—plus nude pumps and a champagne clutch.

And not that anyone asked, but Wills picked out a navy suit, red tie and white kerchief for the occasion. How patriotic.

The duo was cheered as they were shown to their seats, and arrived with tight security—visible police presence was increased prior to their arrival, and a helicopter patrolled the area earlier in the day. It was the duo's first time taking to the Royal Box together.

As for their visit, since there wasn't much hope any chance whatsoever in keeping it private (a front-and-center seat for the most-watched couple in the world will do that for ya), Clarence House took the somewhat unusual step of announcing their arrival on the royal organization's official Twitter page.

"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have arrived @Wimbledon for a private visit—they are both #tennis fans," read an early morning tweet. (Wait, royals use hashtags, too?! #Howquaint!)

"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrive in the Royal Box to watch Murray play Gasquet @wimbledon," read another post a short while later, complete with a link to a Twitpic photo of the duo taking their seats.

Who needs paparazzi when you've got Clarence House?

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Le thermomètre atteint 39° sur la côte basque.

Attention à la chaleur! Le soleil brille largement ce dimanche sur la majeure partie du territoire et les températures de l'après-midi continueront de grimper, selon Météo France.

Elles dépassent maintenant les 30 degrés sur la plus grande partie du pays, atteignant 33 à 37 degrés au sud de la Loire, voire localement 38 à 40 degrés sur l'Aquitaine. Le thermomètre ateint ainsi 39 degrés à Biarritz et 38° à Bordeaux.

Il devrait faire 31° à Paris et 35° à Toulouse.

Il fait moins étouffant en bordure de mer avec 24 à 28 degrés près de la Manche, 28 à 31 près de la Méditerranée.

Pour l'heure, aucune alerte canicule n'a été déclenchée, même si dans le cadre du plan national canicule 2011, la "veille saisonnière" est activé depuis le 1er juin.

En revanche, quelques nuages étaient vus en matinée sur le Nord-Pas de Calais et jusqu'au Luxembourg. Quelques nuages bas s'introduisent aussi en fin de journée sur la côte languedocienne. Et le temps s'annonce assez brumeux en bordure de Manche.

Sur son site, Sud-Ouest rappelle les recommandations pour les périodes de forte chaleur, notamment boire fréquemment et abondamment (1,5 l par jour) même si on n'a pas soif et quel que soit l'âge. En cas de forte chaleur, on ne ressent pas l'effet de déshydratation pourtant plus sévère.

Il convient également d'éviter de sortir aux heures les plus chaudes et de ne pas pratiquer d'activité physique intense.

Enfin, il faut aider les personnes âgées et les plus fragiles.

In the summer of 1979, a group of friends in a small Ohio town witness a catastrophic train crash while making a super 8 movie and soon suspect that it was not an accident. Shortly after, unusual disappearances and inexplicable events begin to take place in town, and the local Deputy tries to uncover the truth - something more terrifying than any of them could have imagined. Written by Official site


Joel Courtney ... Joe Lamb
Kyle Chandler ... Jackson Lamb
Elle Fanning ... Alice Dainard
Joel McKinnon Miller ... Mr. Kaznyk
Riley Griffiths ... Charles
Ryan Lee ... Cary
Gabriel Basso ... Martin
Zach Mills ... Preston
Jessica Tuck ... Mrs. Kaznyk
Ron Eldard ... Louis Dainard
Amanda Michalka ... Jen Kaznyk (as AJ Michalka)

Director: J.J. Abrams
Writer: J.J. Abrams

I was fortunate enough to see a screening this morning in DC. I had pretty high hopes for it from what I saw from the trailers. I don't lean one way or the other when it comes to Abrams, some of his stuff I like, some of it I don't. Super 8 is one that I loved.

In the current era of CGI laden, soul-dead adventure flicks, Super 8 distinguishes itself by having heart. There is an authenticity to those kids in the film, a familiarity in their conversations. It reminded me of when I was a kid. It was like ET meets Goonies meets The Sandlot. And the film that they are trying to make within the film, and their obsession with "production values" draws a lot of laughs.

The friendship between the kids in the film really resonates, and the emotional elements of the film totally deliver. One of the most poignant scenes in the film has nothing to do with whats in the train car, or the air force, and anything like that....rather, its a scene that takes place in Joe's bedroom as he sits on the floor talking to Alice.

Now, as much as I loved the film, it is not without some flaws, mostly in continuity. Also, I would have liked a little more exposition for some of the characters, I would love to know more about Alice's father. That being said, I am forgiving on those things because the movie hits its mark everywhere else.

Surely it will draw its comparisons to ET, and the other early Spielberg works, but those comparisons will always be unfair. Those films came at a different time. And the people who see Super 8 today, have changed since they first saw ET, or any of those other films. I am just glad the generation of younger people will have this as a generational film for them, as I had with those other great adventure films.

All in all, Super 8 was a terrific film experience, that will leave you with a smile on your face.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

Happy Birthday guys. God bless.

source:Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images/

source:Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images/